The bird, by the way, was the Northern Flicker.
After I came down off of the hill, I headed for the Cattail Marsh across from the Community Gardens. I was looking for the Green Winged Teal that my neighbor saw and photographer so nicely last week. Didn’t find the Teals, but I did find two other new ducks that some friendly passing birders helped me identify. First, I saw a small flock that the birders told me were Ring-necked Ducks, a medium sized diving duck only found in this area during its migration. The ring around its neck is very faint, however, the ring around its beak is very prominent!

Then I saw a single duck by itself, which they identified as an American Widgeon. This duck is a dabbling duck and eats vegetation off of the bottom.
All in all, a lovely early spring afternoon walk!!! I hope you, also, were able to get out and enjoy the lovely weather we had Friday and Saturday!