The weather was just spectacular this weekend and the crowds at Horn Pond were just as spectacular. Sunday we had our 5Th Annual Memorial Lantern Walk. We had great crowds and everyone had a wonderful time.

Monday was another beautiful day. But by mid-morning it seemed to be getting extremely hazy. It wasn't the humidity, though. It was smoke from fires, in of all places, Canada! It was blowing in off of the ocean. It made for some interesting photos at Horn Pond. When I took a walk down the Causeway, my across the street neighbors were just taking their kayaks out. A few minutes later, the neighbors next to them came down with their kayaks. By the time they got out to the middle of the Pond, two other kayaks had joined them.

As the afternoon wore on and the sun got lower in the sky, the haze factor was intensified! Got this shot from Arlington Road.

Again the sunset was intense. More than likely it was because of the smoke.

Hope everyone had a terrific Memorial Day Weekend!