In the same area as the Wood Ducks I saw the Mute Swan pair from the Cattail Marsh with only one Cygnet left of the two that hatched. There are a lot of snapping turtles in the Cattail Marsh and also in the swampy area of the Sandpit. I heard from a fellow walker that the Sandpit pair has only two out of six Cygnets remaining.

The Lagoon pair are showing off their brood of NINE Cygnets!!! Maybe, since the Lagoon is more open and somewhat deeper, they won't loose as many to the snappers!

I have not seen them yet, myself, but I also was told that the Pond pair that has the nest behind Ice House Park had two hatch out. She is keeping them well hidden, though.
If it is sunny when you walk, look for the Eastern Painted or Sun Turtles on many floating logs in the Lagoon or any of the smaller ponds. A good place to see them is the first opening along the dirt road around the Lagoon. Right there in the corner you can usually see several on floating logs.
Further along, just after the first bend in the road, look at the water's edge for a clump of the beautiful Yellow Water Iris.
Just before the Red Bridge, over in the woods to the right, our beautiful Pink Lady Slipper or Moccasin Flower is beginning to bloom. There doesn't seem to be as many of them this year as in years past. They are very fussy and have very particular growing needs.
After you come across the Red Bridge, a little further along the dirt road as it rounds the bend, you will see a trail marker and a trail that leads into the Sandpit on your right. Just to the left of this trail is another trail that leads up hill. Between these two trails you can find the only herbaceous member of the Dogwood Family called Bunchberry. The white "petals" are actually bracts which surround a cluster of tiny yellow-green "flowers"!
In the woods to the right of the dirt road as you come along here, and also on the left as you get closer to the Parkway, you might see Wild Sarsaparilla. The globe of tiny white to greenish flowers are on a separate stalk from the leaves.
In several places around the Horn Pond Conservation Area you will find a large shrub in bloom right now. You can smell it before you see it. The leaves have a whiteish bloom and the flowers are tiny trumphets in large clusters. It has a very heady, rather sweet fragerance. It is one of many alien plants in this area that are very invasive and is called Russian Olive.
Soon the weather will be warming. Watch for more babies on the water; Ducklings and Goselings as well as the Cygnets.
Come down to our beautiful Pond for a relaxing or invigorating walk or even a picnic sometime over the upcoming Holiday weekend!
Nice photos Gerry, I like your blog. Just "tweeted" about it over at http://twitter.com/sciwoburn