Saturday, March 28, 2009

Well, it’s official. Spring is really here!!! The Spring Peepers are peeping!!! I heard them for the first time on Friday early evening. I had walked out behind the Lagoon and up into the woods and as I was sitting very still trying to see a bird the I could only hear, I heard the distinct sound of the peepers! Such a welcome sound, a sure indicator of Spring.

The bird, by the way, was the Northern Flicker.

After I came down off of the hill, I headed for the Cattail Marsh across from the Community Gardens. I was looking for the Green Winged Teal that my neighbor saw and photographer so nicely last week. Didn’t find the Teals, but I did find two other new ducks that some friendly passing birders helped me identify. First, I saw a small flock that the birders told me were Ring-necked Ducks, a medium sized diving duck only found in this area during its migration. The ring around its neck is very faint, however, the ring around its beak is very prominent!

Then I saw a single duck by itself, which they identified as an American Widgeon. This duck is a dabbling duck and eats vegetation off of the bottom.

All in all, a lovely early spring afternoon walk!!! I hope you, also, were able to get out and enjoy the lovely weather we had Friday and Saturday!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Walked the Pond today. The huge flock of Mergansers that my neighbor saw is still on the Pond. Last weeks pics were of Hooded Mergansers that I saw on the Lagoon. I mistakenly thought the large flock were also Hooded Mergansers. Once I actually saw them I realized they were not the Hooded but the Common Mergansers. Talked to a gentleman sitting on a bench on the Causeway with binoculars. He said he had counted 130+ birds! Wow!!! Here is a shot of part of the flock and a pair. The one with the green head is the male and the female has the red head.

While I was walking I also saw my first American Coot of the season.

And also my first Cormorant of the season.

Hope you all had a chance to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather today!!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Well, Spring is finally here. Or so the calendar says! Spring comes more slowly to the natural world than it does to our gardens. The crocus and snowdrops are all ready blooming in our gardens, but out around Horn Pond you have to look closely for signs of the coming season.

Take a walk out back around the Lagoon then out towards the Community Gardens. There is a Cattail Marsh directly across from the Gardens where you will hear, and if you are lucky see, one of our feathered harbingers of Spring, the Red-winged Blackbird. Listen to his call

and see what he looks like

Along the water's edge look for the new green shoots of the Yellow Water Iris and Common Cattails. And anywhere along the trails you might surprise our favorite spring bird, the American Robin.

Look for Pussy Willows in the woods.

Along the edge of a stream you might see the first signs of skunk cabbage.

Right now if you walk the Pond you might spot a very different duck that is not usually found at Horn Pond, the Hooded Merganser. This fish eating duck dives for it's food in shallow wooded ponds. It also eats aquatic insects and crustaceans. A large flock of approx. 75 was spotted on Horn Pond on Saturday, 3/21.

Changes will happen fast from now on. Soon the ducks, geese and swans will be paring off and building nests. And it won't be long before the trees will leaf out, the wildflowers will be blooming and baby birds will be seen on the water.